CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual

6072h Max Torque


The object describes the maximum torque.

Object description

Index 6072h
Object Name Max Torque
Object Code VARIABLE
Data type UNSIGNED16
Saveable yes, category: application
Access Read/write
PDO Mapping RX - PDO
Admissible Values  
Specified Value 0000h
Firmware Version FIR-v1426
Change History  


The nominal current in object 203Bh:01h is equal to a nominal torque. This object is expressed as per thousand of this nominal torque, e.g. the value "500" means "50%" of the nominal torque, "1100" is equal to 110%. This value cannot exceed the peak torque (generated by peak current in 2031h).

▶   下一个
