CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual

6046h Vl Velocity Min Max Amount


The minimum speed and maximum speed in user units can be set with this object.

Object description

Index 6046h
Object Name Vl Velocity Min Max Amount
Object Code ARRAY
Data type UNSIGNED32
Saveable yes, category: application
Firmware Version FIR-v1426
Change History  

Value description

Sub-index 00h
Name Highest Sub-index Supported
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access Read only
PDO Mapping No
Admissible Values  
Specified Value 02h

Sub-index 01h
Name MinAmount
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access Read/write
PDO Mapping RX - PDO
Admissible Values  
Specified Value 00000000h

Sub-index 02h
Name MaxAmount
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access Read/write
PDO Mapping RX - PDO
Admissible Values  
Specified Value 00004E20h


Sub-index 1 contains the minimum speed.

Sub-index 2 contains the maximum speed.


If the magnitude of the specified target speed (object 6042h) is less than the minimum speed, the minimum speed applies. If the target speed is 0, the motor stops.

A target speed greater than the maximum speed sets the speed to the maximum speed and sets bit 11 "Limit exceeded" in object 6041h (status word).

▶   下一个
